Monday, April 30, 2007

書評: 人生教練

轉載: 警聲

「教練」(Coaching) 是歐美流行多年的管理技巧,也是其中一種發展得最快的專業。「教練」的理念雖然源自歐美,其核心思想卻充滿了中國傳統人文思想和智慧。 以人為本,重視發揮個人獨特的潛能,令管理技巧再不是冷漠的理論和數字指標,變成活生生的實踐。

《人生教練》是一本簡易精練、深入淺出的書,它教人如何了解自我的暗區,從而更有信心突破自己、發揮潛能。 本書共十四章, 主要教人如何了解自己及他人,並透過運用各種技巧,去擔任自己和他人的生命教練,使自己和他人能重新審視自己的人生價值和目標,再次重定人生方向,使自己及他人達致一個不斷成長及更完滿的人生歷程。


企業教練 非引導性提問 效益大

轉載: 經濟日報

「有無搞錯,幾時搞掂?」一條我們經常問的問題,原來已犯下致命的錯誤。1. 假設對方做錯了;2. 暗示對方用最快的時間搞掂。結果未弄清問題根源就急 解決,往往導致多一次的失敗。章濤就曾親身經歷:「應該問 open-ended question,才能真正解決困難。」他在企業教練課程中,學曉了一連串提問技巧,現時不但整體生產力提升,管理員工也輕鬆了不少。另一名學員林志偉,同樣透過提問,幫助員工克服困難,改善與客戶關係。

個案1:生產力上升 治標又治本   



章濤是 Udomain Web Hosting 的老闆,擁有員工 30 名。過去,無論是他還是員工,都習慣從上而下的管理方式,形成同事間對他的依賴,無形中增加自己的工作量。「以前有位員工,甚麼事也來找我。」那時候章濤還未懂得企業教練技巧,每次員工前來發問,他就給答案,治標不治本。「完成課程後,我明白到,我的責任是輔助他思考問題的解決方法,而不是直接給他答案,於是我透過不斷向他提問,讓他學曉如何自行解決問題,現在他已少了來 seek help。」   

其實章濤以前也用過相類的方法,但方式並不正確,往往弄巧反拙。「以前我會用許多規限性問題問同事,例如開會,如果有甚麼事情搞唔掂,我會問:『有無搞錯,幾時搞掂?』 結果迫令他們還未搞清問題所在,就答我明天搞掂。但現在遇上同樣情況,我會問:『尚欠甚麼才能完成?』 這類 open-ended question,協助他們認清問題的根本,才能真正解決困難。」改變了提問方式,員工整體效率提升,章濤亦比從前輕鬆。「以前所有事情是 top-down 的管理形式,現在有些是 bottom-up,每個階層的員工也清楚自己的方向。」

個案2:Open-ended提問 摸清心理   

林志偉的個案跟章濤有些分別,他是陳鎮中林志偉會計師事務所合夥人,員工不像章濤的多,只得 5 名。他面對的問題,主要是同事考不到會計師專業資格試。   

「因為職業性質的問題,他們是否考取得到專業資格,關乎會計師樓的運作。」同樣透過 open-ended 的提問,林志偉幫助員工找出他們失敗的原因。「究竟他們是力有不遞?還是不想考?透過發問形式,我跟他們一起找出答案。」至於生產力是否因此而有所提升,林志偉說因為當時他只得 3 名員工,很難就此去衡量,不過他與客戶的關係則有所改善。「課程有部分涉及性格分析,可以應用到不同的人身上,讓我容易了解客戶的個性,溝通更為直接。」


章濤與林志偉所說的 open-ended 提問技巧,正是企業教練課程的基本理念。   

企業教練在美國流行了 10 多年,始於 80 年代經濟由工業轉向知識型體系,香港早在數年前引入,吸引了近 200 名管理層、HR 及老闆修讀,目的是藉 提問,幫助被問者思考自我、發掘盲點、了解問題癥結。   


1. 沒有預設答案的問題


舉例:「你寫下 10 萬元,是否因為……?」這條問題已經假設了答案,同時引導了答案的方向。陶兆輝指出,企業教練最忌提出引導性問題,「因為不能發掘問題的真相。」

2. 不要問「點解?」   

採訪中,陶兆輝問記者為何穿上一件披肩,記者一時三刻答不出個所以然來,索性說不知了事。陶兆輝說這樣的答案也是教練最怕聽到的:「對方答不知道,或者不曉得,令到你不能問下去,同樣發掘不到問題的真相。不過遇上這種情況,千萬不要放棄,可以換個方式問:『穿這件披肩,對你有甚麼好處?』 同是問點解,卻避免了用 『點解』 這字眼,讓對方提供答案,令你能夠繼續提問。」

3. 不要審判   


4. 不要害怕沉默   

根據陶兆輝的經驗,中國人內向,要想得很清楚,才會作答,構成一段時間的沉默。如果作為提問者,不能忍受靜止了的空氣而提出另一個問題,一方面會給自己閂上門,亦會打斷對方的思路,令他感覺沮喪,兩者均讓你得不到答案。正確的做法是一直等下去,直至他想好答案開腔為止。「對方正在忙碌地思考,不會感到 dead air 時的尷尬氣氛,其實覺得尷尬的只是你。」   




★專業教練行業源自歐美,不足 15 年歷史。但據估計,現時全球的專業教練約 8 萬人,而企業內部教練更不計其數。   
★在美國,有 25% 的企業管理人認同自己是員工的教練,多於是團隊的領導人。   

盲點 vs 開竅

轉載: Recruit







轉載: 香港商報
文: 劉妙賢





旅遊業作為香港的一大經濟支柱,企業在二十多年前已注重顧客服務,以高水準的服務與產品質素為賣點。國際優質服務管理師資格ISOMP注冊課程導師陶兆輝說‘顧客服務可分為三個時期,約二十年前的第一個時期標準只是不得失客人,而第二個時期約十五年前,亦即是現在大部分企業所採取的準則──令顧客開心“Making you happy with us”。’現今大部分企業仍沿用十多年前的服務模式──專注在訂立標準及培訓,員工按本子辦事便可,在實行初期確實能取得成功,但發展至今卻停滯不前。









轉載: 明報 2006年11月21日
明報記者 薛偉傑









但陶兆輝強調,所有自我推廣技倆,都要在具備工作能力的前提下才有意義。否則,升了也很快跌回來。另一方面,也要自問是否真的喜歡領導他人。若不具備這性格,則可走知識工作者(knowledge worker)的路線,也可有較佳的待遇。

轉載: 在生活中實踐 重新審視人生


轉載: 明報 Jump








該會的NLP課程另一特點,是學員可在「個人成長」和「商業應用」兩個大類中任選其一。整個課程共有八個單元,其中有五個單元是上述兩大類別都需要修讀的,包括:「基礎理論及技巧」、「行為精進」、「心態突破」、「成功策略」和「理念整合」。至於另外三個單元,「個人成長」類還包括「基礎催眠治療學」、「身心治療 」和「高級語言模式-強勢溝通」;而「商業應用」則有「巔峰團隊管理」、「第二層次說服溝通學」和「身心語言教練學」。

修畢全科並完成作業和通過考核,可獲由 The Institute of Mental Technology 發出 的「身心語言程序學NLP執行師證書」,另外選修「個人成長」系列的可再獲頒「身心健康維護證書」,而選修「商業應用」的則可獲「身心語言商業管理證書」。










轉載: 東方日報 2007年4月19日










另一位課程導師兼設計者吳錦棠說:「CRM(Customer Relationship Management)是十分重要的課題,有助企業了解客戶特徵,也不妨利用這些資料作進一步的增值服務,曾接觸過一間內地高級瓷磚公司,設有會員卡制度,除為會員提供購物優惠外,還有不少個性化服務,如家居安全服務、投資資訊等。」




Explore, Exceed & Excel

Sunday, April 29, 2007

My Point of View: 往前走就是了!





Explore, Exceed & Excel

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

NLP: Before Change, CHECK!


Many people use NLP for creating changes. But "Change creates Changes". There is no guarantee that it will bring forth improvement. So, check before your change!

NLP has given us at least 3 Checking Methodologies. Use them:

1. Intention Check: What is the intention or objective of the original behaviour, action, plan, belief....? You need to know whether it can still be entertained after the changes. If not, you might need some extra works to fulfill the original intentions/objectives. Every behaviour has at least one positive intention to yourself.

Whatever existing, no matter how bad it is, has a reason to exist. If we ignore it, you might cause a even bigger problem.

2. Ecology Check: What is the effects of the changes on yourself, on someone important and on others? Can you accept the effects. If not, you better revise your changes or even consider something else.

If you ignore the Ecology Check, you might at the end get your positive result plus all the negative side effects! Or you might simply procrastinate as you do not want to see the effects realizing.

3. Congruency Check: Do you feel it is OK to change in that way? If not, change your plan. Your unconscious mind (non-conscious thinking) can sometimes know more than your conscious thinking. Whenever you feel something being not OK, analyze it again!

Even when you can get through all 3 checks, you can still be wrong. Life is full of risks. It is up to you to decide whether to take it or not.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Revised: June 19 2009

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Point of View: Show Time


Many people asked me why do I make people laugh during my training?

Because laughing is good! You are happy, you laugh. When you laugh, you feel happy! It's just that simple!

But this makes the whole thing not serious enough. This should be a training session!

My materials (in NLP term, Content) are serious, I take my 20+ years of experience and hours of hard work to prepare them. Only I deliver them in a relaxing, interesting way (or the Context). People learn more when they are relaxing.

Don't you notice that it is more difficult to deliver a training in a "laughing" mode. In addition to your teaching material, you need to prepare more to make people laugh.

I never do training. I am performing each time. I make each lesson a show. I am not in the training business. I am in the show business.

If every teacher is performing a show when teaching, who should be worrying about our children not wanting to go to school?

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Personal Development: Change it by Yourself


In today's Daily Quote for Your Soul, I selected a quote from Carol Burnett: Only I can change my life.No one can do it for me.

Really no one can and should change your life. During different kinds of training I conduct, many people expect me to change their lives and many others fear that I will do something to change them.

I can't and I won't.

Only you can and should do the changes. It is not ethical and ecological to do it for someone else. How can I know what changes do you need and be suitable for you. Any change can have 2 possible directions, better or worse!

In my training, I only do one thing, creating a space for anyone to think and then decide to do or not to do the required work yourself.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Personal Development: How to Explain Something?


During my past years of being a manager, coach and trainer, I saw thousands and thousands of people explaining things to others. Surprisingly, not everyone is effective in explaining.

The most common problem is to explain a simpler thing using something even more complex! This is totally self-destructive!

The goal of explanation is to make others understanding easier. The most efficient way to do is to describe something complex with something simple. The reason of people throwing out more difficult terms, metaphors, analogies, concepts, etc is one who do not really understand what he/she is talking about.

But don't over-simplify. I am talking about "simpler" only. Over-simplification is usually misleading. For example, when you explain NLP and describe it as "a study of mind and behaviours", it is over-simplification. You are not explaining but just categorizing/describing NLP.

Explanation leads to understanding, while describing leads to just knowing. Differentiate Explaining and Describing!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Friday, April 20, 2007



佛家道家智慧低級化 is one of my objectives.

Both Buddhism and Taoism are of great wisdom, both in size and in depth. They are too difficult for most of us to learn. I am not talking about religion. They can be seen as great philosophy and knowledge.

So I decided to 低級化 them to make them available to everyone, not to use for religious purpose, but in daily life applications. I am not 普及化 them as I am not that great and knowledgeable. I just try to put only parts of their wisdoms into a lower level. So, I am not talking about Buddhism or Taoism. I even "mis-use" them.

In the past, I make use of the 低級化 results in the Mandala Thinking, Systemic Business Design, Mental Symbology or even in NLP!

I am stealing knowledge from 唯識宗 of Buddhism in my last article, NLP is about Thinking Part 10 - What is Thinking. I am stealing ideas from 『虛相唯識』and 『實相唯識』and apply them to "Less Filters" and "Real Filters" respectively.

I am telling you this because I want to admit my stealing and to seek your forgiveness about my possible misunderstandings of Buddhism and Taoism due to my limited knowledge!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: NLP is about Thinking Part 10 - What is Thinking


This is Section 3 of the article series, NLP is about Thinking. This section only composes of 1 article. If NLP is about Thinking, then what is Thinking?

Thinking is the mental activities which allows beings to model the world, and so to deal with the world effectively according to their own goals, plans, ends and desires. Thinking is manipulating information, as when we form concepts, engage in problem solving, reason and make decisions. A thought may be an idea, an image, a sound or even an emotional feeling that arises from the brain. (The about description is from Wikipedia)

NLP is about Modeling the World while Thinking is also about the same thing. NLP is about how we mentally Handle Information while Thinking is also about the same thing.

One of the objective of learning NLP is to enhance our quality of thinking. There are lots of qualities of thinking and here are some for us to consider:

1. Accuracy (準確): Accuracy is the degree of conformity of a measured or calculated quantity to its actual value. That is, if you think that something is a dog, and it is actually a dog, then the thinking is of high accuracy.

2. Precision (精確): Precision is repeatability, the degree to which further measurements or calculations will show the same or similar results. For example, a clock always hit 12 o'clock the same time everyday, then the clock is precise but it can be inaccurate because when it hit 12, it is actually 11. If we always think something is the same thing, then we have a precise thinking. (But it can be inaccurate!)

3. Logical (邏輯): If you have reasons which can show your conclusion is true and the reasons are true themselves, then you have a logical thinking.

4. Effectiveness (效益): Effectiveness is the capability to produce an Effect you want. An ordinary way of describing Effectiveness can be thinking the right thing and doing the right thing.

5. Efficiency (效率): Efficiency is the extent to which resources are used for the intended purpose. If you use more than needed, you are not efficient. If you think or consider more than needed to achieve the purpose, your thinking is of low Efficiency.

6. Speed (速度): Speed is the amount of time used for thinking.

7. Efficacy (功效): Efficacy is the ability to produce a desired amount of a desired effect. That is, you don't over or under do or think something.

8. Realness (真實): Realness is whether something you think is currently or had been existing. Some real must be actual things which have objective existence. There is no degree of realness. It is either real or not real!

Our Filters affect all of the above qualities! Enhancing thinking quality is enhancing quality of our Filters! The number and realness of our filters governs these 8 qualities. We need less and real filters to be an accurate, precise, logical, effective, efficient, fast, efficacious and real thinker!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Business Development: Customer Service is Easy to Start!


Nearly everybody of us are in the Customer Service Field. (Who's not? Do you have someone to serve?!) Never think that implementing Customer Service is something really BIG. No they are not!

Sometimes you do not need a thorough plan to start with. Just do it and you will get the results! Here are 3 of my guidelines to you if you want to add some service to your business:

1. Little things matter! Start with those little things. It can be easy and low cost!

2. Customer Service can be done everywhere. Forget about IBM's Moment of Truth. Every moment is your customers' Moment of Truth. So just add your service to any point you feel comfortable to start.

3. Customer will notice your service. Most of them will appreciate.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Business Development: Simplest Customer Service Training


Customer Service Training can be complex or can be simple. Here is the simplest version.

Ask you staff how will you treat his/her customers if all the sales goes into his/her pocket. Then do it that way!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

My Point of View/NLP: 基本思維 Basic Thinking


正如我曾在很多場合說過,思維就好像電腦運作一般,但不是一台,而是多台電腦同時並行,這個複雜的網絡 (Network)讓我們能同時有多個想法(但我們未必全然察覺),也令我們能解決複雜難題及通過組合多個想法建立新的意念,但如果我們不懂得如何使用這個複雜的網絡,她亦能為我們製造難題,想得複雜卻想不出解決!

要改進我們的思維網絡,太複雜了,恕我水平未到,無法提供什麼精闢意見,若是如此,不如不談;但要讓我們的思維網絡能夠有效運作,我們就必須先研究一下也是我經常談及的操作系統 (Operating System)。



很多人問我,究竟 NLP 研究的是什麼呢,最簡單的說法,就是我們如何輸入、輸出與處理資訊,也就是我們的基本思維

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Updated: May 28 2021

Monday, April 16, 2007

My Point of View: 手藝與腦藝








Explore, Exceed & Excel

Updated: May 24 2014

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Follow Up for the 3 Steps to Get a Job Program Today


If you attended the 3 Steps to Get a Job Program today, here is my advise to you.

No matter you want to get a job now or not, try sending out your application letter and resume in the new format in next week. Test run your new knowledge. Remember, new skills are like muscles. If you don't use it, you loss it!!!

You might hesitate to use these new format as they are so "new" and uncommon. But the world today is full of so many similar stuff! I've heard of so many successful stories from our past participants. The only way to prove it is to use it.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Top 5 Tips: 防止精疲力竭



1. 在一個明亮和舒適的地點工作,過暗的燈光或者不舒服的工作地點能導致更大的壓力和令你減低對工作的興趣。

2. 每工作2 小時休息一會,短暫的休息令你感到渙然一新,更充滿活力,和令你能再度集中精神。

3. 當你發現某項工作太困難的時候,把它放在一旁片刻

4. 發展一個與你的職業完全沒有聯系的愛好或興趣,這能為你帶來和諧和使你成為一個更多才多藝的人。

5. 學習自我催眠或者沉思靜坐,這些技術能使你在壓力增強以前,降低你的壓力。

Explore, Exceed & Excel

We are so Lucky to be in Hong Kong!


Yes, we are very lucky to live here in Hong Kong. (If you are not living here, you might be even luckier?!)

We have all the foundation for the 2 most important languages in the world, English & Chinese (Putongua)!

Being a colony of Britain for so many years before 1997, we should be very good at English. (But we are not!) English is the #1 International Language. Though it is not the language used by the largest number of people, it is mostly used in the wealthiest areas and countries of the world! English is the highest leverage language today.

How about the highest leverage language in the coming future? Of course it is Chinese. Many public schools in U.S. start to teach Putongua and Chinese instead of Spanish! We are Chinese and we know the language. What we only need to learn is just speaking the dialect. It is much easier than those people in the States.

How lucky we are!!!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

P.S. My Putongua is not very good. I will improve it. However, I have another plan. I decided to learn Japnaese!!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

International City?


Just back from a trip to Tokyo. I found something interesting and annoying!

Without any doubt, Tokyo is an international city. Tourism, international trade happens here and there. But nearly most of her people can't speak English, the so-called "International Language"?!


Looking back to Hong Kong. In the recent 10, 15 years, we start to teach our children as early as at the age of 3 some so difficult and complex English words and phrases (to be honest, I am not sure whether I understand all they teach), but we are becoming less and less "International"?!


I don't really know. Might be you can share with us your thoughts!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Top 5 Tips: 我的職業秘訣:增加你的收入的 5 种方式

我的職業秘訣:增加你的收入的 5 种方式

1. 向財政已經是獨立的人詢問他們的秘密,然自己試試看。

2. 成為知識豐富的人:閱讀一切能夠令你成為在你當前領域中或者你對其他有興趣的新領域中的資訊,努力使自己成為更知識豐富的人。

3. 開發一种自僱態度:想象你自己就是老板和行動得像個老板。

4. 發展一個能令你財政獨立的人際網絡:認識更多人,保持聯系,認識更多在你的公司和你的行業以外的更多人,將來某日可能對你有所幫助。

5. 邀請本人到你的團体或組織演講,你將得到更多的意念和策略!

Article Wriiten in: 2003

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Business Development: The 13th Keywords for 3G Customer Service


One of our readers of this blog, Christopher, who has emailed me some of his comments about my last posting, 3 Generations of Customer Service. Christopher is an expert in CRM from the other side of the world (I mean, U.S.). His comment is very valid and so I revise my Point 4 and add a Point 13 of my Keywords List.

Many thanks, Christopher!

Here is the new list:

1. 360 Degrees Customer Interaction.

2. 7/24/365 Customer Intimacy.

3. Values Transfer.

4. Interaction is not just Transaction.

5. CRM is Customer Relationship, not a data, computer system and/or selling tool.

6. World-Class Service, not just your own standards.

7. Standardization is Not Enough. 100% Objective Verification is the Key.

8. Customer Service is Not Selling Tactfully.

9. Outside-In, Not Inside-Out.

10. Targetted Customers is Not a Marketing Term.

11. Easy-To-Do-Business-With.

12. Make Your People Happy, Not Your Customer.

13. Service is Culturally Dependent.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Business Development: 3 Generations of Customer Service


In the past 10, 15 years, the customer service level was increasing. But is it already good enough? I've been in the service industry for more than 15 years before working as a coach. (BTW, coaching is also providing service!) Here is my point of view:

There are 3 generations of customer service. Most of our service providers in Hong Kong have achieve quite a success in the 2nd Generation. Are we ready to move into the 3rd Generation?

Generation 1: 20+ Years Ago - Service was just "Not Upsetting Our Customers", then you would buy from us. There are not many choices out there. Provided that my products are good and I haven't upset you, you "should" buy from us.

Generation 2: Starting around 15+ Years Ago - Service was/is "Making You Happy with Us", then you would buy more from us. Customers are having much more choices. They are well-informed about products and service. They want more and we provide more. We have service standards so that all our staff know how to deal with our customers.

Generation 3: May be we should start Now - Service is "Intimate Relationship with Our Customers", we are very close together and customer loyalty is the result but not something I concern or do. Customers get the Values they really want in a way they valued.

Here are some keywords that is closely associated with Generation 3. I will discuss them in more details later:

1. 360 Degrees Customer Interaction.

2. 7/24/365 Customer Intimacy.

3. Values Transfer.

4. Interaction is not Transaction.

5. CRM is Customer Relationship, not a data, computer system and/or selling tool.

6. World-Class Service, not just your own standards.

7. Standardization is Not Enough. 100% Objective Verification is the Key.

8. Customer Service is Not Selling Tactfully.

9. Outside-In, Not Inside-Out.

10. Targetted Customers is Not a Marketing Term.

11. Easy-To-Do-Business-With.

12. Make Your People Happy, Not Your Customer.

Take a closer look at our economy, no one is not in the service industry. No one doesn't have a customer to serve. (I am not talking about internal customers. I am talking about real, paying CUSTOMERS!)

If our government decided for us that tourism and service industry are the core of our economy, we then all need to do something to step up our service levels! Any choices?!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: Article Written Years Ago - The Winner's Mind-Set


This is my 8th re-published article on NLP that I have written years ago.

The Winner's Mind-Set

What distinguishes a winner from a loser?

They have a totally different mind-sets.

Winners know that their winning can serve the world better, losers just don't care. Winners think that they are winners, losers simply know nothing about winning.

Winners think that they can, while losers doubt.

Winners learn and practice winning skills, losers rather take a break.

Winners act like a winner, loser like a loser.

Winners go around with winners, while losers are afraid of facing people better than themselves.

If you want to be a winner, adopt the winner's mind-set.

Visualize a picture of yourself, together with other successful people, happily and with great confidence. Seeing yourself standing straight, with a smiling face, and behave just like all those successful people around you. Inside the picture, you learn and practice new skills everyday and you CAN do it right and smart.

Seeing also yourself wearing a clothes with a "Winning" symbol on it. (whatever symbol you think that stands for winning). You also find that yourself are being surrounded by a beautiful
colored light of success. The light makes you feel comfortable, confident and great. The light is gradually increasing in intensity and spreads around to make the surrounding people and your
environment even better.

Imagining yourself walking into the picture. Feel the feelings. Then imagine a color Xerox machine making hundreds, thousands copies of the picture. The more copies it makes, the better the feeling it becomes. Then you hold the pile of copies in your hands. In count of three, you throw out all the copies into air, making thousands of pictures surrounding you, at back, sides, above and below. They also spread in front of you to the far future.

Do this programming everyday for 21 days and it will become part of you.

You are then part of the winners' team.

Keith's 2007 Remark: This skill makes use of Submodalities, Visual Anchoring and Association

Explore, Exceed & Excel

My Point of View: 廣府話救亡







1. 廣府話的發音,經歷多年的不斷變遷,其中粗略可分為由周秦至現代六個時期,期間有多本韻書面世,不同時期多本韻書中不少字的讀音已有所不同,證明方言讀音是在變化中,為什麼正音者只選擇其中一本韻書(廣韻)作為標準呢?

2. 以『廣韻』來正音最大的錯誤是『廣韻』只得五音,而廣府話卻有九音,試問又怎能以五音正九音?

3. 凡方言均有變讀,如「李太太」中的兩個「太」字讀音已有所不同,這才顯出生動,硬要單一正音,與謀殺方言無異。



Explore, Exceed & Excel

Monday, April 02, 2007

Top 5 Tips: 為自己努力工作



1. 認真:你是認真地想取得一份有成就的事業或你允許這個世界拖著你嗎?你能承諾每星期,每天,每小時做些什麼行動來幫助你得到一份更好的事業?你目前在學習什麼技能來幫助你擴大你的事業選擇嗎?這是你的自己的事業生涯,除了你自己外,誰會在意?

2. 理解你自己

3. 成為一個專家:成為一個你的行業的專家,如果你不是一個專家,為什麼你的僱主還要僱用你或者甚至提升你?在你成為你現時工作的一個專家以後,學習如何成為你的上級的工作的一個專家,當你能夠做得比他更好的時候,這就是你晉升的時間。

4. 要求更多責任:這是對於你能獲致更好的事業的快捷方式,而且這總是有效的,向你的上級要求更多責任,當然,這意味著更多工作和更多危機,但是你不知道一個更高級的位置也意味著更多作和更多的危機嗎?

5. 研究他人:為什麼他人能達致事業成就?研究他們,接著依照他們的成功習慣來試試看,不要單是看書,研究圍繞你週圍那些成功的人,你的老板,你的同事,你的客戶,在書中的資料通常是過時或者誤導的,研究真實的人。

Article Written in: 2003

Explore, Exceed & Excel