Keith To's Ideas & Thoughts on NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching, Facilitation, Self Improvement, Personal and Business Development. These seem to be nothing related. But from a Systemic Thinking perspective, they share similar nature and processes.
陶兆輝對身心語言程序學、催眠治療學、教練學、輔引學、自我改進、個人發展及商業發展的純個人看法;它們看似毫不相關,但當你從合整式思維角度來看,它們卻擁有相近的性質及過程;我將每隔數天不斷加入新的文章, 內容絕不敢認為是肯定正確, 旨在拋磚引玉而矣。
(All articles copyrighted by Keith To)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Think-Tank 2007
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Learning from Life 151 - 155
This is another edition of Learning from Life.
151. Children can be much smarter than us.
152. But we can be wiser than them! Show your wisdom to them not your smartness.
153. We can be happy or we can be sad. It is our own choice!
154. We learn most from our life if we can surrender and not resisting them.
155. We learn most from our life if we can respect the ones who teach us.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Announcement: Free New Service - Weekly Pic for Your Mind
I am going to start a new service!!!
By simply subscribing to my new Weekly Pic for Your Mind, you will receive a picture, which might inspire your thinking.
It might not be useful, but it will be interesting. We all need food for our minds!
Just send a blank email to to subscribe!
This service will start very soon. You can subscribe now.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Learning from Life #146 - #150
This is another edition of Learning from Life.
146. Sometimes, being Right is more important than being Happy!
147. But sometimes, being Happy can be more important than being Right!
148. "I don't know!" is not an answer.
149. Understanding myself is a boring process, but useful!
150. Expect much from myself, but expect nothing from others.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Facilitation: Facilitate as a Participant
Do you have the experience of attending an unproductive meeting?
Most of the people might say "Yes". But you are not the chairperson and you find yourself unable to do anything, but just wasting your valuable time!
You can facilitate as a participant!
It is not as difficult as you think. Just ask questions, not to any particular person but to the whole group. This reduces resistance.
You can start by asking some simple, non-challenging questions to clarify the objectives of the meeting, the objectives of a particular discussion and/or the objectives of the whole group of participants.
Once the objectives are clear, discussion can then be smoother and more productive!
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Friday, September 14, 2007
Hypnosis: Free Association = Hypnosis?
This is a question raised by one of our classmates. This is a great question and so I like to share it here.
Free Association is NOT Hypnosis! (or this will make Freud really mad, as he resisted hypnosis so much and we say that his own invention of Free Association is hypnosis!)
However, Free Association might lead to hypnotic state.
There can be at least 2 types of Free Association. The linear form that invented by Freud and the Radiant form that we use in Hypnotic Writing (it is taught in our Hypno-Communication Module of the NLP Practitioner Program)
In Freud's Free Association, the linear form of free association focuses people's attention. This focus of attention hypnotizes.
In Hypnotic Writing's Radiant form Free Association, one is "forced" to think of as many related words as possible. This "imagination", self-induced confusion, and fast shifting of attention causes hypnotic trance.
Free Association is not hypnosis, but you can easily find one in a hypnotic state when doing free association. (You can say Free Association can be a form of Induction!)
Then, why do I say "Free Association is not Hypnosis" while it can induce hypnotic state?
Because hypnosis also includes the element of "Establishment of a Selective Thinking" and that's Free Association does not do. This is the Establishment of Selective Thinking making hypnosis useful as this changes clients' thinking of his/her situation/problem.
It is just like you cannot say you being a hypnotist if what you learned is just induction. No matter how many kinds of induction you knew, you must also be able to establish Selective Thinking (eg. formulating Suggestions and/or gaining new learning using various kinds of hypnotic analysis, i.e. IR/IC/IG/AR/FT/ES...) to make yourself truly a hypnotist.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Facilitation: Facilitate the Process, Not the Results
A facilitator facilitates the process of decision making, conflicts resolution, ideas generation, problems solving, evaluation, etc. His/her job is to make the process easier and faster, but not responsible for the results.
It is the client's responsibility for the results but not yours. If you concern too much for the outcomes, you might easily fall into the trap of pushing and intervening the content of the meetings.
When someone makes use of a facilitator, they want you to guide and guard the process. They want someone remaining neutral so that the participants can discuss in a fair and productive manner.
We are still successful as a facilitator whenever we delivered a smooth process, even though not much result was being generated.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Personal Development: Why do I Keep on Writing the Daily Quote for Your Soul/Biz?
Many people asked me why do I spend my time writing these quotes and the coaching questions everyday? I do not include any advertisement on to the email messages, so I can't get any reward from doing so.
There are 3 reasons:
1. I love quotes. They are gems of wisdom.
2. I want you to see my message everyday so that you will not forget me!
3. Most importantly, this is a mental exercise to myself. Everyday I need to think.
Keep using our mind or we can lose it!
If you want to subscribe to these free email services, just send a blank email to and/or I am sure you can learn a lot, not from me, but from the original authors of these wisdom.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
我的觀點極短篇: 我們全力支持2008東亞運動會
上述這個口號告訴了你什麼? 坦白說,什麼也沒有!
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Concepts 101 Part 8: Do, Make & Think 做、造與想 (原文為英文,後加中文翻譯)
There are 3 kinds of people, those who do, make or think!
Those who do are great at operational skills. They accept tasks and make them happen.
Those who make are great at creative skills. They create new stuffs that are useful and usable.
Those who think are great at logical & systemic skills. They understand what were happened, what are happening, and what are going to happen. Then they design the frameworks for others to do and create!
No one is better than the others. We need all these 3 kinds of people in our organizations and society.
Which type are you?
The very sad thing is that there are some people who are none! But the good news is that there are also people who can be all!
What skills are you going to develop?
有 3 種人,做,造或想的人!
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Updated: Mar 26 2021
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Facilitation: Planning for Meeting Success
Facilitation is making things easier and faster. How can we make our meeting easier and faster?
According to research, most of the people considered meetings are a waste of time. This is typically because not much planning is done before the meetings.
Here are my top 5 planning items for a effective meeting:
1. Who should Attend? Only those really concerned and the decision-makers!
2. What is the Objectives? Tell everyone before the meeting what should be accomplished in the meeting.
3. How Long is the Meeting? It depends on the objectives. Decide in advance the length of the meeting and keep everybody well informed.
4. Is All the Materials Ready? Ensure everything needed is there. This saves lots of time.
5. Any Preparation Needed by the Participants? If yes, tell them before the meeting.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Sunday, September 02, 2007
我的觀點極短篇: 永遠裝一道隨時可打開的活門
Embrace the Unexpected!!!
Explore, Exceed & Excel