Friday, May 12, 2006

Participants' Feedback on Achievement Support System


Last week, I conducted the Achievement Support System Seminar. I requested those 350 participants to provide me feedbacks to improve the system.

18 participants replied and I really like to thank for their support. Don't you think providing constructive feedbacks to others is another form of Support System?

Here is my consolidation of their feedbacks. It can be insightful!

Feedbacks on Support Elements:

1. Feedback
2. R&D
3. Religion
4. Library
5. Radio
6. Audio Recorder
7. Copier
8. Camera
9. Teachers
10. Students
11. Children
12. Associations
13. Music
14. Comfortable Space
15. Assistants
16. Self Awareness
17. Beliefs
18. Solitary
19. Faith
20. TV
21. Seminars
22. 7-Eleven
23. Food
24. Habits
25. Packaging for Image
26. Gyms
27. Beauty Salon
28. Shops
29. Medicine
30. Suppliments
31. Enemies
32. Exercises
33. Goals
34. Classmates
35. Data
36. Octopus
37. Post-it
38. Pen
39. St. James Settlement
40. John Lau
41. ThinkTank Classes
42. Mastermind Groups
43. Clothing
44. Smiles
45. Blogs
46. Lighting
47. Self Talk
48. HypnoNLP Group
49. 吉祥物
50. Pocket-Sized Books
51. Filing System

Other Points of View about Support System:

1. Explore more for more environment supporting yourself.
2. Simple
3. Focused
4. Environment = Collection of Resources

I will fully integrate these ideas into the Achievement Support System Version 2.0. Thanks again.


Influencing: Set-Up Questions


Recently I gave a talk to a large group of sales professionals. I talked about asking questions in selling.

In the good old days, some sales persons invented one of the best selling skills - asking questions. They asked questions not to sell, but to gather information about their potential clients. Then, they used the information to sell. This is a great selling model. You understand your clients better. You know their needs and their hot buttons.

Then some "smart" guys created a even "better" way to ask questions. They invented some questions that can sell the clients directly. No matter what the clients answered, the sales person can use the clients' answers to sell them further.

For example, they can ask their client: Have you heard of the product X? If the answer is "yes", they have a standard script to push the selling process further. If "no", they still have another script to do the same. It can be a series of questions, which finally leads to the closing of the sales.

These are the so-called Set-Up Questions. You set up your clients. If you think that these questions are good, think again.

It could be effective years ago when the skill was firstly created. After years, people are well aware of these questions. They take great care to answer these Set-Up questions in order not to be set-up. This is the biggest reason why clients don't want to answer sales persons' questions.

Our clients are becoming smarter and smarter. Forget about these outdated techniques. Just ask questions to explore more about the clients. My favourite question is: How is your current situation in X? This is an open question without any set-up.

If you ask me what is the follow-up question, there is none. If there is any pre-determined follow-up question, the first question then becomes a Set-Up for your clients. Just ask questions to get more information.

Everybody in the sales profession understands the fact that the more the clients talk, the higher the chance of closing the deal. The only way for a client to talk more is to ask clean questions and to make them feeling safe. Stop using any Set-Up questions!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Updated: Aug 15 2008

Learning from Life #61 - 65


Here is another part of my "Learning from Life" Series.

61. Respect what you do is the best way to make it better.

62. Sometimes, women are more opened to new ideas than men.

63. You can't get happiness when your goal is happiness.

64. People is not good or bad. People is people.

65. Training can't change people. Learning can!


Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 5


This is the Part 5 of the article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".

To recap what we had discussed in the last 4 parts:

Source > Problems/Factors > Symptoms

This is not the full picture yet. The Source cannot directly produce the Problem. For example, a boy who was frightened by his teacher cannot make him having fear with his boss. The former can be the Source of the latter. But there is a missing link between them. It can be something like this:

Source > Beliefs > Problems/Factors > Symptoms

The Source subsconciosuly induced a/some beliefs, which indirectly lead to the Problem. The boy, after being frightened by his teacher, can believe that all people senior than him can be threatening. This Belief causes the fear.

This opens up another door for hypnotherapists to work on the Problem. We can identify the Belief behind clients' Problem. When they shifted their Beliefs, they improve their Problems.

We can use hypnotic techniques like Inner Guidance, Inner Healer, Communicating with the Disease Entity, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique, or Ego States Therapy to identify the Meaning of the Illness or Problem. When the Meaning and/or Belief is exposed, if it is irrational, the clients can then gain understanding and learning.

We will talk about the last Element, Resultant, in our Part 6.


Friday, May 05, 2006

NLP: More Choices, More Confusion? 越多選擇,越為混亂?


This is a follow-up message for the previous message of "Problem Solving Models".

One of our readers emailed me another question which can help us understanding the Choices Concept of NLP even more. Here is the question:

"The more choices one has, the higher the possibility of getting his/her problems solved. But the more choices one has, the more confusion of managing choices is created."

This is the most frequent question asked about choices!

More choices lead to more confusion? This is a common misunderstanding about "Choices".

Choices are the available responses for a situation. They are the responses you can act. It is coming from within yourself. It is not an Option that was being provided by others. There is no decision process needed when making a choice. You select automatically the best choice to fulfill the situation you are facing. So, there is no confusion.

Each individual situation demands the most suitable choice from the pool of your available choices. If you do not have many choices, the most suitable one might not be a good one, and you are stuck!

Hope this explanation helps.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

P.S. Revised on Jan 7 2011.







你自動從各個可用的選擇中,找出最適合的,來應付你面對的每個不同情況;如果您沒有太多選擇的話,最合適的一個,也可能不是一個好的選擇,那麼,你就是所謂的膠著 (Stuck)了 !

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Problemology: Problem Solving Models


I recieved an question from one of our classmates today as follows:

You have suggested two different approaches to solve difficult problem in the WABC Roundtable meetings:

1) 忘記 - 憂慮 - 欠缺 - 挫折 - 忽略 - 危險
2) 症狀 - 理想 - 差異 - 機制 - 解決 - 起因

Do you have any suggestion on how to relate the 2 approaches into an inter-related model for solving problem. Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Here is my answer and I like to share with you all:

These 2 models are choices for you to choose to solve your problems.

They might not have any relationship. But the more choices one has, the higher the possibility of getting his/her problems solved. One can't solve his/her problems because one might not have enough choicea or have only one single choice but it doesn't works.

In my recent free course, the Life Strategist Program, I presented 50 problem solving strategies. The one message I want to share is: We can have a lots of choices!

BTW, the first model can be easily used in personal problems while the 2nd one can be used in both personal and business situations with ease.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Simple Way to Make Things Concrete


Being human, we can't handle abstract things. Our mind will freezes and we can't respond to it. So we are not very good at ideas and being creative.

Things become more and more abstract today as things change so fast. Anything during changes is abstract until the changes are completed. But when the changes are completed, things start to change again. This is a never-ending story happening again and again today.

So, people suffers.

There is a simple way to make abstract things concrete and solid, so that we can then deal with them.

Name it. Give it a name.

When you give it a name, it changes from nothing to something.

Don't be afraid to give things wrong names. Once you give it a name, you can start to work on it. Then you get more information about it. You can change its name whenever you like.

Name something when you do not know what it is!
