Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Customer Service: Gap 6 & 7 in Servqual Model


One of our ISQMP (Qualicert Internal Auditor Program) graduates asked me about the Gap 6 & 7 in the Servqual Model of Service Quality.

Servqual Model is originated by Parasuraman in 1985. He only proposed 5 Gaps in his model. In all his revised versions of his model in 1988, 1991 and finally in 1994, these 5 Gaps remain unchanged. Only in 1988, he added the 5 Dimensions of Service Quality, i.e. the RATER - Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy & Responsiveness.

Gap 6 & 7 were added by another scholars, Luk & Layton in 2002. Gap 6 is the discrepancy between customer's expectations and employees' perceptions, while Gap 7 is the discrepancy between employees' perceptions and management's perceptions.

These 2 gaps can be useful, but they are not part of the Servqual Model. If someone tells you that there are 7 gaps in the Servqual Model, s/he is confused.

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