Behind every great skill, there is a Concept so that the skill can be adapted and adjusted according to the situation.
Even fools can understand that there is an underlying concept, but not everyone can comprehend the concept behind even he/she knows about the skill.
Then he/she can only use the skill at its surface level and can never be a master of it! (That's why I always do a long introduction at any of my programs so that everyone understand the concept before they learn something)
Concepts are difficult to be comprehended because they are abstract. To make the skill useful, smart originators of any skill will formulate Principles to guide the Skill users in applying.
When you learn a skill, at least clarify its Principles or you have not really learned the skill.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Keith To's Ideas & Thoughts on NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching, Facilitation, Self Improvement, Personal and Business Development. These seem to be nothing related. But from a Systemic Thinking perspective, they share similar nature and processes.
陶兆輝對身心語言程序學、催眠治療學、教練學、輔引學、自我改進、個人發展及商業發展的純個人看法;它們看似毫不相關,但當你從合整式思維角度來看,它們卻擁有相近的性質及過程;我將每隔數天不斷加入新的文章, 內容絕不敢認為是肯定正確, 旨在拋磚引玉而矣。
(All articles copyrighted by Keith To)