I. 2011年度課程總覽:
1. 全新課程,只辦一屆: The Science of Mental Virus 心智病毒科學.
傳播 = 影響;傳播 = 無需說服;傳播 = 不說而服!
Some ideas can be spreaded like virus, some not. It is quite a different program. We talked about how ideas spread and how you can spread your own ideas. It is not just persuasion. Persuasion needs your own presence while Mental Virus spreads by their own!
Date: Feb 24, Mar 10, 31 2011
Time: 7pm - 10pm
Status: 已開課,>80人參加,謝謝支持
2. Free & Updated: NLP Essentials. 免費的10小時NLP課程-必須學懂的知識技術,助人助已成長。
NLP skills and concepts that everyone should know to make your own life easier. Free 10-hours annual program. Great stuff that wouldn't be taught in any Practitioner Training.
Date: Apr 7, 14, 28, May 5, 12 2011
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Status: 已開課,超過800人報名,謝謝!
3. Relaunch after 4 Years. Revised & Updated: Lazer Lessons 精聚課程. 太多想學,太少時間!15分鐘一節,一節一課題,一點即到題,每分鐘也是創新尖端有效的資訊;24個課題,一半個人發展,一半企業發展技術知識;每15分鐘等於2小時的資訊量,保證學得最快最多!
Revised Date: Oct 10, 31, Nov 7, 21 2011
Time: 7:15pm - 9:15pm
4. 全新課程: The Mind-Drawing Program. 四小時內,讓你掌握一種新穎藝術;日常運用,除了增進藝術修養,而且更能提升身心健康;一種無需合眼,無需寧靜環境,隨時隨地,沒有宗教背景的內省技術。
This is NOT a drawing program. It is a Thinking Program. This is NOT a thinking program. It is a Preparing you to Think Program. It is NOT a program for you. It is NOT an adult program. It is for children! It is NOT a Child Program. It is a program for Children & Parents learning together. It is NOT just a program for people with children. It is also for you, an Adult Thinking Program.
If you want to make yourself and/or your children ready for better thinking, and if you are having enough for logical & rational training, this one is for you. It is totally different from those "drawing from X side of your brain" programs. You are going to learn a special form of drawing, which draw directly from your mind. It trains your mind more than your hands.
Date: May 4, 18 2011
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Status: 已開課,超過55人報名,謝謝!
5. 四年一度: Ericksonian Therapy 艾克森治療學. 你將不會學到一般所謂的艾克森治療學,即是你不會學到什麼清醒催眠、隱喻、故事治療、語言模式等等,因為那些根本不是艾克森治療學,那些只是表面而矣;你會學懂艾克森治療學背後的策略與戰術 (Strategies & Tactics),以及一些隱藏得非常好的介入技術。
Dates: May 19, 26, Jun 2, 9, 30 2011
Time: 7pm-10pm
Status: 已開課,報讀人數超過80位,謝謝
6. 三年一度: Master NLP Practitioner 高階身心語言程序學執行師: 她不只是一個高階NLP課程,她實在是一個掌控自己思維的課程;如果你有進學到超越NLP以外的學問,這是一個適合你的課程。
Module 1 - 超然程序與 & NLP 傾向分析: Apr 2-3 2011
Module 2 - 高階時間線技術: May 28-29 2011Module 3 - 高階模擬: Jul 9-10 2011Module 4 - NLP 系統思維與人本系統: Sep 3-4 2011Module 5 - 高階溝通研究: Nov 5-6 2011
Module 6 - 身心語言情緒學: Dec 17-18 2011
Module 7 - 潛意識說服學: Feb 25-26 2012
Module 8 - 知識整合與天才策略: Mar 31 - Apr 1 2012
Time: Sat: 2:30pm - 7:30pm; Sun: 12pm-6pm
Status: 已開課,可報讀獨立單元:2835-4394 聖雅各福群會
7. Our Core Program: NLP Practitioner Training 身心語言程序學執行師課程: 香港最深入、最詳盡、最便宜、的NLP執行師課程。
Our flagship program since 1998! Many graduates said that they learned even more from our Practitioner Program than others' Practitioner + Master Practitioner + NLP Trainer Courses, all together!!!
There are 2 streams of study you can select:
Personal Development Stream: (Personal Thinker's Course)
M1: Foundation Skills & Concepts: May 21-22, 25 2011;
Practice Group: Jun 8 2011M2P: Basic Hypnosis: Jun 11-12, 13 2011; Jun 25-26, 29 2011
Practice Group: Jul 6 2011M3: Behaviour Enhancement: Aug 20-21, 24 2011;
Practice Group: Sep 14 2011
M4P: Mind-Body Therapy: Sep 17-18, 21 2011M5P: Advanced Language Patterns: Nov 12-13, 16 2011
M6: Mindset Breakthrough: Jan 7-8, 11 2012;
Practice Group: Feb 8 2012
M7: Strategy of Excellence: Feb 18-19, 22 2012;
Practice Group: Feb 29 2012
M8: Integration & Certification: Mar 24-25 2012
Business Development Stream: (Business Thinker's Course)
M1: Foundation Skills & Concepts: May 21-22, 25 2011;
Practice Group: Jun 8 2011M2B: NLP Business Excellence: Jul 16-17, 20 2011M3: Behaviour Enhancement: Aug 20-21, 24 2011;Practice Group: Sep 14 2011M4B: Hypno-Communication: Oct 15-16, 19 2011
M5B: Neuro-Linguistic Coaching: Dec 3-4, 5 2011
M6: Mindset Breakthrough: Jan 7-8, 11 2012;
Practice Group: Feb 8 2012
M7: Strategy of Excellence: Feb 18-19, 22 2012;
Practice Group: Feb 29 2012
M8: Integration & Certification: Mar 24-25 2012
Time: 2:30pm-7:30pm for Sat, 12pm-6pm for Sun (No lunch hour), 7:00pm-9:30pm for weekday classes.
Enquiry: Call 2835-4394 for more details.
Status: 已開課,可報讀獨立單元,2835-4394 聖雅各福群會
8. Our Flagship Program: Certified Hypnotherapist 國際認可註冊催眠治療師課程. 香港最國際認可的催眠治療師課程:英、美、澳、加!超越表面的催眠治療訓練!你會學懂十多個不同的催眠技術;更重要的是,你更會學懂一套系統來決定什麼情況,運用什麼技術,來達致最佳效果!
Professional course leading to certification by 4 different international hypnotherapy organizations.
Module 1: 自我催眠 Self Hypnosis: Jun 11, 13 2011
Module 2: 基礎催眠技術與理論 Basic Hypnosis: Jun 12, 25, 26, 29 2011;
Practice Group: Jul 6 2011
Module 3: 轉化催眠治療學 Transformational Hypnotherapy: Jul 23-24, 27 2011;
Practice Group: Aug 17 2011
Module 4: 心身互動催眠治療與入神狀態形成 Holistic Hypnotherapy & Trance-Formation: Sep 24-25, 28 2011;
Practice Group: Oct 12 2011
Module 5: 受者主導信念情緒整合催眠治療 SOBER Therapy: Nov 26-27, 30 2011;
Practice Group: Dec 21 2011
Module 6: 高級暗示技法與察覺催眠治療 Advanced SOBER Suggestions & AWARE Therapy: Jan 14-15, 18 2012;
Practice Group: Feb 15 2012
Module 7: 技術知識整合 Integration: Mar 10-11 2012
Time: 2:30pm-8:30pm for Sat, 12pm-6pm for Sun, 7:00pm-9:30pm for weekdays.
Enquiry: Call 2835-4394 Richard Fung for more details.
Status: 已開課,謝謝參與
9. 完全免費: WABC Roundtable Meetings 2011. 完全免費學習專業教練學,每年內容也不相同,旨在普及教練知識技術,今年將舉行兩次,兩次的課題相關,但不同,目的卻只有一個,就是要讓你快速有效地達到教練的效果!
第一節:The Efficient Coach 快速教練法 - Jun 28 2011
第二節:The Effective Coach 效益教練法 - Jul 13 2011
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Status: 已開課,謝謝報讀
10. 全新課程: Rapid Mental-Interventionist 心智介導學. 我們介入,我們喜歡介入。 但不是每次也能成功;冷眼旁觀自己,你會驚覺失敗更是多於成功。既要介入他人自己,就應把她學好學通;本課程的各種介導技術,適合不同情境,無論你是各類治療師、教練、輔引師、教師、管理人員,又或只是用於家人朋友,皆可相應配合。Dates: July 14, 28, Aug 18, 25, Sep 29, Oct 13, 27, Nov 3, 17, Dec 1 2011, Jan 19, Feb 16, Mar 8, 22, Apr 19 2012Time: 7pm-10pm
Status: 已開課,謝謝報讀
11. Free & New Program: BizUpgradation 企業升格學. 每年一度的企業發展免費課程,每年課題也不相同。今年我們將要研究的,就是如何升格自己的生意業務,你將會從這個免費課程中,獲得大量的啟發;無論你是打工,還是老闆,你也能把這些啟發,轉移至自己的企業中;這些業務升格原理,同樣能應用於事業、家庭的發展當中!Date: July 5, 12, 19, 26 2011Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Status: 已開課,多謝報讀
12. Must Learn for Business People: Registered Corporate Coach 註冊企業教練資格課程. 國際企業教練協會在大中華地區唯一認可的課程,香港專業教練培訓課程的先河,昂然踏進第十年,修畢可獲取國際認可專業資格,每年只辦一次。
Learning professional business coaching and earning the international designation of RCC of the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC). WABC is the only truly international association for business coaches. She has members around the world!
Module 1: Aug 16, 23, 30, Sep 6 2011
Module 2: Aug 27-28 2011
Module 3: Sep 20, 27, Oct 11, 18 2011
Module 4: Oct 22-23 2011
Time: 7:15pm-9:45pm for weekdays, 2:30pm-7:30pm for Sat, 12pm-6pm for Sun.
詳情: http://www.hktrainingonline.com/eng/training/coursedetail/40101236.PDF
Status: 已開課,謝謝報讀
13. Free & New Program: Path to Self-Actualization 自我實現之途. 每年一度的個人發展免費課程,每年課題也不相同,今年更是小弟第十年,為大眾提供免費的自我提升課程。自我實現,就是做回自己,發揮自己享受嚮往的真正強項,我們將在八小時的課程中,逐步研究如何為自己劃出通往自我實現之途。Date: Sep 1, 8, 15, 22 2011Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Status: 已開課,超過600人報讀,謝謝。

14. 闊別一年,重辦一次: 個人發展輔引學基礎證書課程 Foundation Certification of Personal Development Facilitation. 十二小時的密集培訓,令你以最短時間,掌握以輔引學原理,來助人助已登上自我發展之途;自我發展是複雜的,原來助人自我發展卻是簡單得多,如果你真的是讓人『自我』發展的話!
Date: Sep 23, 30, Oct 14, 21 2011
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
15. New Program: 教練,深入的內涵 (WABC Member-Only Roundtable). 2010年,我們舉辦了教練的內涵課程,很多朋友意猶未盡,今年,我們再接再勵,深入研究為何30多年前的一本書,能促成一個專業、一種學問的誕生;我們將繼續轉化更多30年前的技術,成為二十一世紀可用的超卓教練技能!
Date: Oct 26, Nov 2 2011
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Remark: 2011 RCC 同學、WABC會員、2011 NLP執行師同學、及Super-Manager 2009畢業同學免費報讀。
16. 兩年一度,國際認可: Assoicate Facilitator Designation Program 協和輔引師資格課程. 美國輔引師大學 FaciliatorU 授權課程,24小時內掌握120項輔引學技術知識, 2012年將不會舉辦,錯過今屆,就要等候至2013年了!
Date: Oct 25, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Dec 6, 20 2011.
Time: 7pm - 10pm
17. 國際認可: Certified Professional Coach 國際認證專業教練. 這個國際認可的專業課程,每兩年才舉辦一次,只限我們的RCC, RPC, or RCaC課程畢業同學修讀,進一步提升自己的教練技術水平;這將是一個非常高階的課程,一個對應大學研究文憑水平的課程。
Dates: Nov 10, 24, Dec 15, 2011, Jan 12, Feb 9, 23, Mar 1, 15, 29, Apr 26, May 3, 17, 31, Jun 14, 28, Jul 5, 19, Aug 2 2012 Time: 7:15pm – 9:45pm
Status: 已開課,超過三十人報讀,謝謝。
18. 一年一度,完全免費: Think-Tank 2010. 一同創新,一同發揮創意極限!
Date: Nov 9 2011
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Status: 已開課,超過200位朋友,一同學習,一同創新!
19. 全新課程: Certified Strategist 認證策略企劃師. 不論是個人,還是組織,誰不需要策略?策略促進生存提昇發展。這是一個全新的國際認證課程,由小弟及多位海外專家設計而成,由於這個認證是全新的,小弟不能保證其認受性,但當更多人開始學懂欣賞她時,你就會為自己是在香港最早擁有這個資格而感到自豪。
Starts: Postponed!!! (Exact dates to be confirmed)
20. 三年一度: Dream Yoga 夢境工程. 每三年才舉辦一次 - 2002, 2005, 2008...2011! 全港最詳盡的解夢基本課程。 (請注意: 小弟的基本課程,一向比其他高階課程更高階!)
Level 1: Dec 16, 23 2011, Jan 6, 13, 20 2012 (7pm-10pm) (Revised Dates)
Level 2: 暫定 Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 2012 (7pm-10pm) (Revised Dates)
21. 全新課程: Dream Yoga Level 3 夢境工程第三階. Level 1 涵蓋了更多同類課程沒有提及的知識,Level 2 超越更大,Level 3 更將為你打好準備,成為一名不折不扣的解夢大師。Level 3 說的是邏輯,但不是日常生活的邏輯,而是晚上世界的邏輯-夢境邏輯!我只打算招收極少數認真要通盤學會解夢的同學,這將是一個極深入、極密集的課程。
Dates: 暫定 Mar 13, 20, 27, Apr 10 2012 (7pm-10pm) (Revised Dates)
22. Coaching Excellence 專業教練學基礎證書課程. 以發問來讓人自行思想,而非強行灌輸的技術;真正的助人自助,授人以漁,而非授人以魚! 此課程是大中華區首個全中文教授,切合華人需要的專業教練證書課程,課程過去10年已舉辦了13屆,深受歡迎;課程經歷十一個年頭,過去多年已不斷增加培訓內容,每年我們也會作出更新,更多資訊、更多技術,但學費卻維持十一年不變! 我們是第一個團體首先將教練這門新興專業引入香港,這肯定是一個你付出最少,收穫最多的專業教練課程!
The very best and intensive professional coaching course you can ever find. Over 700 graduates in the past 10 years!
Date: 暫停一年Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm
23. 三年一度: Mind-Tech. This is my first ever program designed by me back in 1996. A 5-minutes daily practice that keeps me healthy with a fast and clear mind. Mind Tech 1 & 2 will be conducted this year.
Mind-Tech 1: TBA
Mind-Tech 2: TBA
II. 未來課程預告: 以下是小弟可能會於未來數年推出的新課程,小弟絕對不能於一兩年間把他們全部完成,那麼,那些課程會於那年推出?還未知道!
1. Fate Re-Patterning 命運重塑學: Sister program of Fate Reengineering, but we talk about something totally different. No more on personality. We project your fate and we re-pattern it!
Tentative Date: 2013
2. Personal Conversion Level 2 - Life Recasting. This is both Step 2 or Step 0 of the Life Remodeling Program. This program can make your Life Remodeling even more powerful. But it can also be used separately on its own.
Tentative Date: 2013
3. BSism盲點心智學. Everything about blindspots in our mind. The best way to avoid and remove blindspots is to understand them. Be prepared to spot your own blindspots during the program.
4. Self-Hypnosis Instructor Certification. Again this is not a new course. I had done this once years ago. I promise to redo it in the past few years, but I never did so. This program is one of my major steps in promoting hypnosis to the public. I recognize all students graduated from our fellow certified instructors. They can directly go into Module 2 of our Certified Hypnotherapist Program.
Tentative Date: 2012
5. Life-Logician. Formal Logic is useful, but very complicated. We only want to make use of logic for a better and easier life. So, forget about formal logic. Go for Life-Logic and be a Life-Logician! Become a Life-Logician to face the Reality, recognize the Reality, utilize the Reality, think the Reality, and be REAL. What is logic? A measure of Reality!
6. The Subconscious Projector & the Projectionist Certification. Both are just the same program. But if you completed the former one, plus Dream Yoga (Level 1 & 2), Handwriting Reengineering (Level 1 & 2) and Subconscious Reengineering (Level 1 & 2), and passed an optional assessment, you will be awarded the Projectionist Certification. Subconscious Projection is more than just handwriting analysis, H-T-P Drawing, and dream analysis. There are many more. You are going to equip yourself with a wide spectrum of various subconscious projection techniques to help you and your clients to understand themselves much wider and deeper.
7. 哲術. A very special philosophy program. One of the most special things about this philosophy program is that it is taught by someone who do not know much about philosophy! This is part of my 高級知識低級化 Project. We focus on how to practically use the knowledge of philosophy in our lives, to help ourselves and others.
8. Listenology 聽學. Everybody can hear, but not listen. If you can really listen, we learn much faster. We get much more information than others. You will advance yourself in any professions or just be a much better husband, wife, dad, mom or friends to others. Totally new information and skills!
9. Development Dynamics Type 2 發展動力學第二類. This is an advance course on Development Dynamics but I do not call it as "Level 2". It is another type of dynamics that affect human development. You can learn this with or without learning our Type 1 which we conducted in 2009. 10. Any more? Yes, I still have several in mind. I will list them too a bit later. Come back for an update. Come back again, and I am going to add more information.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Updated as on Oct 5 2011