Sunday, January 01, 2006

My 2006 Prediction


Every year I do the prediction for the year. I am not doing it by any metaphysical method. I watch trends. Some people like watching birds, fishes, boys or girls, I like watching trends.

It is very interesting to see the trends going up and down, in and out, slow and fast!

My overall prediction for 2006 in Hong Kong: Not as good as 2005, or even a bit worse!

As I had mentioned in my 2005 Prediction Seminar last year, 2005 is a good year for Hong Kong People. I had already warned at last year's seminar that 2006 is not going to be good, and I still think so.

If you like to know more about my predictions in 2006, come to the 2006 Prediction Seminar in Feb 27 2006. Details of registration will be announced soon through the Excel Your Life Newsletter.
