Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Power of Destruction


The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan won a landslide victory in Sunday's Lower House election!

The LDP clinched 296 seats in the election, giving the ruling party its first majority in the Diet chamber in 15 years.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said on his day of victory: We destroyed the old LDP, and the LDP became like a new party!

He really destroyed the old party and showed the world the Power of Destruction. He destroyed those "old" members in LDP by replacing them with "newer", "younger" members. He then won the election.

We might not like Koizumi, but we can learn from him.

In the BiZuccess System Seminars that I delivered last month, I urged our audiences to destroy what are not perfect or even destroy those which are just not good enough! We can easily fall in love with what we created or owned. We just can't see that they might be already hindering our progress or success.

I understand that it hurts when you destroy something. But it can be one of your best ways to move ahead in your plan, your career and your life.

One of my best-sellers is the Coaching Excellence Program. I have done it 7 times since its launch in 2001. I keep on destroying those less-than-perfect contents. Many are good, but not great! Right now, I am doing my 8th time for the program. I conducted a major destruction. More than 80% are different from those in 2001! If I want it to be continuously successful, destruction is a must.

Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) is dead. Continuous Destruction Lives!

Just before I wrote this blog, I destroyed another program of mine - the COACH Incubation System. She is 4 years' old and now is the time for her rebirth.

Destroy what is not great enough. Do it again or simply replace it with something better!

Keith To